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Running Performance Tests | Nighthawk

Performance Benchmarking

Meshery uses Nighthawk as one of its load generators to run performance benchmarking. Meshery is the canonical implementation of Service Mesh Performance, CNCF’s service mesh performance benchmarking specification.

Performance Benchmarking Using mesheryctl

mesheryctl is the command line interface of Meshery. mesheryctl along with other load generators, mesheryctl can use Nighthawk to run performance benchmarks.

Install mesheryctl

Check this quick start guide on how to install mesheryctl.

mesheryctl -h
Meshery is the service mesh management plane, providing lifecycle, performance, and configuration management of service meshes and their workloads.

  mesheryctl [command]

Available Commands:
  app         Service Mesh Apps Management
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  exp         Experimental commands for mesheryctl
  help        Help about any command
  mesh        Service Mesh Lifecycle Management
  pattern     Service Mesh Patterns Management
  perf        Performance Management
  system      Meshery Lifecycle Management
  version     Version of mesheryctl

      --config string   path to config file (default "/Users/navendu/.meshery/config.yaml")
  -h, --help            help for mesheryctl
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

Use "mesheryctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Run a performance test

See this guide for reference to mesheryctl commands.

The command below runs a performance benchmark test with Nighthawk with the test configuration provided through flags.

mesheryctl perf apply --profile istio-soak-test --concurrent-requests 1 --duration 15s --load-generator nighthawk --mesh istio --url http://localhost:2323

You can also run performance tests with SMP compatible test configuration files like the one shown below.

smp_version: v0.0.1
id: d3ac6bf7-e35e-40c0-8669-5e13c9657286
name: istio-soak-test
labels: {}
- internal: false
  load_generator: nighthawk
  protocol: 1
  connections: 2
  rps: 10
  headers: {}
  cookies: {}
  body: ""
  content_type: ""
  - http://localhost:2323
duration: "15s"

You can then use mesheryctl to run the test using this configuration file as shown below.

mesheryctl perf apply -f perf-test.yaml

Check the Meshery usage guides for more information on running performance benchmarks.