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Nighthawk Architecture | Nighthawk


Architecture and Key Concepts


High level interaction model

Process creates one or more Workers. Worker will run Sequencer, which in turn queries RateLimiter for request-release timings. When it is time to release a request, BenchmarkClient will be requested to do so by Sequencer. BenchMarkClient will then ask its underlying Pool to create a StreamDecoder for releasing the actual request. StreamDecoder will query the request data it needs to send from the configured RequestSource, and send it off. StreamDecoder will emit events as it progresses (pool ready, completion, etc), and timings will subsequently be recorded into Statistic as well as get bubbled up to Sequencer for tracking in-flight work and Statistic bookkeeping.

Sequencer will query the configured TerminationPredicates to terminate when and how to terminate execution. When all Workers have finished, Process will collect the results from all Workers via OutputCollector, and run OutputFormatter to transform to the requested output format.  

Notable upcoming changes

Calling out two new concepts that may get proposed in the future, and cause some churn in the code base as we inject them.  


One notable addition / change that may get proposed in the near future is the introduction of Phase. Phase would represent a distinct stage of an execution, for example a warm-up. It would then be useful to have per-phase reporting of latencies as well as counters and latencies.

Concretely, a warm-up phase could be represented by a distinct duration termination predicate and a ramping rate limiter. Upon completion, the hot BenchmarkClient with its associated pool would then be live-transferred to the next configured phase, after which execution can continue.

One other reason to have this is that it would enable remote- and/or cli- controlled ramping of certain test parameters by associating those to different phases. Termination predicates can be leveraged to immediately terminate the current phase after injecting a new one, allowing for real-time steering via gRPC and/or CLI.  

Streaming parameterization and output stats

Once we have phases, the gRPC service, and perhaps the CLI, would be natural candidates to follow up with to allow dynamic phase injection, as well as send back reports per phase.

Key concept descriptions

The c++ interface definitions for the concepts below can be found here.  


Process represents the primary entry point to a Nighthawk execution run. Only one Process is allowed to exist at the same point in time within an OS Process. Process is responsible for performing process-wide initialization and termination, as well as handle input configuration, deliver output, and co-ordinate Workers. ProcessImpl is re-used across the CLI and the gRPC service.  


Worker is responsible for performing correct initialization and termination of its thread, as well as execution of its designated task and offering a way for consumers to wait for that task to complete.  


TerminationPredicate is responsible for if and how to terminate. As of today, there are two types: one that will indicate that it is time to terminate based on a pre-configured duration, and one that will do so based on absolute counter thresholds.  


SequencerImpl resides on a worker-thread, and drives itself via timers that run on the dispatcher, and coordinates interaction between RateLimiter, BenchmarkClient, and TerminationPredicate to drive execution to completion.  


RateLimiter is responsible for indicating when it is time to release a request. RateLimiter offers a semaphore-like interaction model, as in closed-loop mode it may be that BenchmarkClient is not able to satisfy request-release timings, in which case acquisitions from RateLimiter need to be cancelled. Concretely, as of today there is LinearRateLimiterImpl which offers a straight-paced plain frequency, as well as work in progress on DistributionSamplingRateLimiterImpl (adding uniformly distributed random timing offsets to an underlying RateLimiter) and LinearRampingRateLimiter.  


As of today, there’s a single implementation called BenchmarkClientImpl, which wraps Envoy’s Upstream concept and (slightly) customized H1/H2 Pool concepts. For executing requests, the pool will be requested to create a StreamEncoder, and Nighthawk will pass its own StreamDecoderImpl into that as an argument. The integration surface between BenchmarkClient is defined via BenchmarkClient::tryStartRequest() and a callback specification which will be fired upon completion of a successfully started request.

For H3, it is anticipated that it will fit into this model, but if all else fails, it will be entirely possible to wire in a new type of BenchmarkClient.  


RequestSource is an abstraction that allows us to implement different ways for BenchmarkClient to get information on what the request that it is about to fire off should look like. Today, two implementations exist: a static one, which will repeat the same request over and over, as well as one that pulls dynamic request data from a grpc service. The latter can, for example, be used to implement log-replay.  


StreamDecoder is a Nighthawk-specific implementation of an Envoy concept. StreamDecoder will by notified by Envoy as headers and body fragments arrive. The Nighthawk implementation of that is responsible for coordinating lifetime events of a request to upper abstraction layers (BenchmarkClient, Sequencer) as well as recording latency and reporting that upwards.  


OutputCollector is a container that facilitates building up the native output format of Nighthawk (proto3, nighthawk::client::Output). It is the basis for all output formats offered by Nighthawk, including CLI human output.  


OutputFormatter is responsible for transformations of nighthawk::client::Output to requested formats (e.g. human, json, fortio, etc)  


Nighthawk’s Statistic is responsible for administrating latencies. The most notable implementation that exists today wraps HdrHistogram, but Nighthawk also has a couple of other implementations which mostly exist to ensure that floating point math is correct in tests, as well as a simple efficient implementation that simply tracks the mean and pstddev for those cases where we don’t need percentiles. For various reasons, HdrHistogram might get replaced by libcirclhist in the near future.  

H1Pool & H2Pool

Nighthawk derives its own version of these from the vanilla Envoy ones. It does that to implement things like pro-active connection pre-fetching and H2 multi-connection support, as well as offer more connection management strategies.

Nighthawk binaries


The CLI interface of the Nighthawk client. It synthesizes traffic according to the requested configuration and report results in the requested output format.


Nighthawk’s gRPC service is able to execute load tests, and report results. Under the hood it shares much of the code of nighthawk_client, and effectively it allows to efficiently perform remote back-to-back executions of that.


Nighthawk’s test server, based on Envoy. It is able to synthesize delays and responses based on configuration via request headers (next to on-disk configuration).


Utility for transforming the nighthawk-native json output format into other formats (e.g. human, fortio). It can be very useful to always store the json output format, yet be able to easily get to one of the other output formats. It’s like having the cake and eating it too!  

User-specified Nighthawk logging

Users of Nighthawk can specify custom format and destination (logging sink delegate) for all Nighthawk logging messages. Nighthawk utilizes the Envoy’s logging mechanism by performing all logging via the ENVOY_LOG macro. To customize this mechanism, users need to perform two steps:

  1. Create a logging sink delegate inherited from Envoy SinkDelegate.
  2. Construct a ServiceImpl object with an Envoy Logger Context which contains user-specified log level and format.